
Herein, I will attempt to archive my experiences with my dreamscape. You will find this journal filled with both normal dreams and, God willing, lucid dreams as well. I am not yet well versed in attaining lucidity, but that is not to say that I have not experienced it. Lucid dreaming is very real. I, too, thought it was a crackpot idea when I first heard the notion of attaining consciousness within a dream. I am very thankful that it piqued my interest enough to give it a shot. If nothing else, I hope that this blog can act as a source of inspiration (or at least entertainment) to it's visitors.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

WL Block and Fun With Fingers

The first thing I can remember is flying. I was flying around, low in a sky bathed with orange.

Upon landing, I realize suddenly that I am dreaming. There is no trigger, I just kind of deduce the fact out of nowhere. I am calmer than usual, and the world seems much more permanent.

I Look around. There are two DCs with me whom I do not recognize. The ground is covered in lush grass, and there is a tall oak tree nearby, full of dense leaves. The grass ends suddenly after the tree, and plummets into a rock cliff that looks like it belongs on an Oregon coast. 50 or 60 feet beyond the cliff, a wall rises up again containing a huge drain pipe; water flowing from within. Everything is illuminated with an orange light from the sky, which is full of wispy clouds .

I purposely try and remember what it is that I planned to do the next time I became lucid. It is like grasping for nothing. I cannot remember any of my intentions. I give up after a few attempts at remembering.

I look down at my hands. My pinky is strangely short. Moving over near the tree, I continue to entertain myself. Looking away, and then back at my hands. Many interesting configurations occur. I really liked the hand that had six fingers and two thumbs, perfectly symmetrical around the palm.

I turn to the dream characters. They are standing near the cliff edge and looking over it solemnly. I tell them that I am dreaming. I expect them to tell me that I am wrong, because of what I have read on LD4all regarding these encounters. I don't know how I know what I have read on LD4all... Perhaps I can recall things when I'm not actually markedly trying. The male DC mumbles something that I cannot quite make out. I ask him what he said, and it turns out that he agrees with me, quite calmly.

I consider flying, but then decide against it as I have already experienced that earlier. I jump across the gap to the drain pipe.


I awaken for just a fraction of a second and then fall right back to a normal dream involving a port-o-potty that wont stop flushing black water, and some geeky guy who just randomly starts talking to me about Final Fantasy 12 (Lord knows why, as I haven't given the game any thought in months). I blame the short normal dream for stealing some of my earlier memories of the LD.


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